Pablo Diserens

Photos by Clément Coudeyre

“Ebbing Ice Lines” is a tentacular project by field recordist and artist Pablo Diserens that investigates the vulnerable soundscape of the Low Arctic’s melting zones and the life they foster. Materializing as an audiovisual installation and an album that weave glacial gurgles, thawing squeals, avian vocalizations, hydrophonic acoustics, and site-specific hums, the project sheds light on the minute sounds produced by these environments as they retreat under warming climates. Beyond the thundering booms of calving glaciers, “Ebbing Ice Lines” brings ears into the intimacy of the ice in an attempt at nurturing emotional and ecological awareness. Recorded in and around Iceland’s glaciers and Finland’s tundras, these animal and melting voices tell a story of disappearance. The title plays with the existing tree line terminology—the edge past which trees do not grow—to imagine ebbing lines beyond which ice can not exist.

LOM’s basicUcho, Uši Pro and Geofón were combined to record rock ptarmigans’ clucks, terns’ shrills, gulls’ semantic, geothermal bubbling, ice-borne growls, squealing ice drifts, humming crevasses, glacial streams, dripping crests, and roaring moulins.

websiteinstagramebbing ice lines (exhibition)

Pablo was supported with various LOM instruments


Félix-Antoine Morin


Save Wallum